PRIVO offers online and offline methods of adult attribute verification.
The most basic verification for your account is to click on the verification link sent to you via email after you sign up for your account. To have a higher level of verification, which is sometimes needed to provide consent to a minor, online identity verification methods may include, but are not limited to, an adult conducting a credit card transaction with us, providing a partial social security number, driver’s license number, or employer ID. We utilize third-party sources to verify this information and do not store any of this information or use it for any other purpose but for verifying your identity. Please contact us at for more information on our verification partners. Offline verification methods may include phoning our customer service number, in person verification, interacting with customer service using voice over internet protocol, filling out and signing a permission form, then faxing, mailing or scanning it in and emailing it back to us. Verification methods are intended to be reasonable methods to determine adult status and to allow for parent assertion to compete the transactions contemplated by the child’s activities.